Hi, my name is Nicola. 


I have always loved animals as my parents had budgies, cats, dogs and fish when I was growing up. I now have a golden retriever called Pasha and most recently, a cockapoo called Duke. We love going out in the fresh air for long walks and playtime. Now my children are older, I decided that I wanted to share my love for animals by providing quality care to other peoples' pets and asked my daughter, Meg to join me. 


Hi, my name is Meg. 


I really enjoy the company of animals and was delighted when I got my first dog, Pasha at the age of 6. Now, 12 years later, we decided to get another dog named Duke as a new addition to the family. Animals are now an even bigger part of my life after starting this business, which has only deepened my love for them. What I love most about animals is making them happy, especially with playtime and cuddles. 

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